First and only 24/7 Digital Dentistry in Karaikudi
First and only 24/7 Digital Dentistry in Karaikudi
Chewing food thoroughly is as essential as having a nutritiously balanced diet for proper nutrient absorption and smooth digestion, which helps the body to release digestive enzymes that convert the food particles into energy.
There are vitamins that the body can store and use later but there are vitamins that can only be obtained from the food we have on a daily basis. Hence eating nutritiously balanced food and chewing it completely is very crucial for healthy living and avoiding chronic diseases like diabetes.
Fruits, vegetables, nuts and meat, are nutrient-rich in nature and are essential for healthy living but this kind of nutrient food cannot be eaten by somebody that has lost a significant number of teeth already or people with loose teeth. Their improper dentition makes it difficult for them to chew hard food
People with loose teeth will also suffer from bite-force loss and often avoid eating hard and chewy foods. Persons with inadequate dentition (the arrangement or condition of the teeth) find it challenging to chew thoroughly and eat some hard foods like fresh fruits and vegetables, apples, pears, carrots, nuts etc. They even find difficulties in eating cooked food such as meats and seafood.
Lots of studies have found that people with less than 20 teeth are consuming fewer amounts of nutrients than their daily requirement which makes them frailer compared to a normal person of health.
Though we cannot control tooth loss beyond a point, it doesn't mean that one has to suffer from all the chronic diseases related to that by not treating the dental issues appropriately on time.
A healthy smile is a beautiful smile. Your smile looks gorgeous when you smile with a healthy, pink, and minimal gum line.
Smiling in a public place will be embarrassing and shameful when you have a missing tooth. This kind of People may even go too far to avoid social conversation, becoming more deserted. You will feel disastrous after the loss of a tooth.
Read our smile section to understand how good oral health is connected to a beautiful smile.
When your blood sugar or blood glucose is too high, which is beyond the required level, your body will be prone easily to a disease called Diabetes.
People with severe gum disease (periodontitis) had a significantly higher prevalence of abdominal obesity, serum fatty acids and insulin resistance. Severe gum disease can create high blood sugar if it is associated with other infections in the body.
Read our Diabetics section to understand how good oral health is connected to diabetics.
Coronary heart disease (CHD), or coronary artery disease, develops when the coronary arteries become too narrow. The blood vessels that give blood and oxygen to the heart are called coronary arteries.
Bacteria and germs are spreading from the mouth to other parts of the body through the bloodstream, which leads to heart disease because of poor dental health. It can result in an infection of the inner lining of the heart, which results in illnesses such as endocarditis.
Read our Heart Disease section to understand how good oral health is connected to Heart Disease.
Human body condition in which the streaming of blood force in the walls of the artery is verHypertensionlled HypertHypertensionlly, hypertension is estimated as a blood pressure level above 140/90 and acknowledged as severe if the pressure level is above 180/120.
People with an identified gum disease are showing lesser response to their medication than people with healthy gums. People with gum disease were 20% less likely to achieve a "healthy" blood pressure range. Hypertension and periodontitis are interconnected by way of an increase in blood pressure and inflammation.
Read our Hypertension section to understand how good oral health is connected to Hypertension.
Alzheimer's disease is an unavoidable cause of dementia that creates difficulty in thinking, behaviour issues and memory loss.
Symptoms for this disease develop typically gradually and becomes worse over time, getting severe enough to interfere with daily activities.
A study by the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) in the UK has proved that people who have healthy teeth could be at a lower risk of developing Alzheimer's disease compared with those who have bad oral hygiene or gum disease. They also discovered the bacterium in the brain parts of patients who had dementia disease when they were alive.
Read our Alzheimer's disease section to understand how good oral health is connected to Alzheimer's disease.
Arthritis is referred to as the collection of joint inflammation disease. There are more than 100 varieties of this disease are there. Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis are the most common form of that inflammatory disease.
As with every chronic disease, the relationship between arthritis and dental health is two-way. Numerous studies have shown that people with arthritis are at a higher risk of being affected by gum disease. Various studies have related the bacteria, which causes gum diseases, leads to the early onset of rheumatoid arthritis and increases the severity of the disease.
Read our Arthritis section to understand how good oral health is connected to Arthritis.
Unusual behaviour of an individual who is unable to think and speak clearly and if that behaviour affects his daily activities, it is called dementia.
Research done on older people in Japan discovered that participants with less number of teeth had a significant chance of developing dementia. For example, human beings with 1-9 teeth had an 81% higher risk of dementia than people with 20 teeth or more.
Read our Dementia section to understand how good oral health is connected to Dementia.
Deficiency, surplus or imbalance in a person's intake of energy and nutrients is called Malnutrition.
Malnutrition and poor oral health had a strong connection between them. Poor oral health, such as an inability to chew or swallow food, having missing teeth or gum disease, can affect the nutritional intake (e.g., consuming fewer meals or meals with lower nutritional value) leading to poor nutritional status and increased risk of Malnutrition.
Read our Malnutrition section to understand how good oral health is connected to Malnutrition.
Inflammation in gums results in a disease called Gingivitis. It is one most common oral issues by which every year lot of people get affected. It has to be treated on time if not, it will progress into a more serious oral condition called periodontics.
Gum diseases can lead to tooth loss, which can lead to other chronic health conditions like Periodontitis, Dementia, Alzheimer's disease, coronary heart disease, hypertension, diabetes and Arthritis.
Read our Gingivitis section to understand how good oral health is connected to Gingivitis.
Prabu Dental
No-24, Mudiarasan Salai, Opp New Bus Stand, karaikudi-630001,Sivagangai (Dt). Tamilnadu, India
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